The news industry is a resilient bunch. Newspapers, in particular, represent some of the United States’s oldest and most respected companies. So far they have weathered storms of significant social, economic and technological change by figuring out how to transform … Read more
‘… when major events occur, the public can offer us as much new information as we are able to broadcast to them. From now on, news coverage is a partnership.’ Read more
A journalist describes the stages of a scandal, explains the news media’s role, and wonders why they don’t keep digging once the person has been punished. Read more
‘Good Night, and Good Luck’ brings to life how and why Edward R. Murrow pushed CBS News to confront Senator Joseph R. McCarthy’s un-American tactics. Read more
Homepage of Coastsider. In May 2004, Barry Parr, a former Web site architect for the San Jose Mercury News and CNET’s, introduced his own new Web site to an online audience. His … Read more
The BBC is establishing a College of Journalism to raise and support editorial standards. All journalistic staff in the BBC will be given a minimum level of training each year, and in the future the completion of required training will … Read more
“Let me begin with a confession. After watching television coverage of Katrina for nearly every wakeful moment over the first few dramatic days, I quit. Cold turkey,” writes Curtis Wilkie, who holds the Cook Chair in Journalism at the … Read more