Murrey Marder

About Murrey Marder

Murrey Marder

Murrey Marder, a 1950 Nieman Fellow, is a former chief diplomatic reporter with The Washington Post. Marder (1919–2013) made his name on the “red beat,” where he was among the first to challenge U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy. He was also the sponsor of the Nieman Watchdog project ( through the creation of The Murrey and Frances Marder Fund at the Nieman Foundation.

1998: This Is Watchdog Journalism

By Features December 15, 1999

[This article originally appeared in the Summer 1998 issue of Nieman Reports.] [T]here is far too little public understanding in the United States about the role of the press in the American system. And one good reason for that is … Read more

A Reader’s View: Novelists Outdo Journalists

By Books September 15, 1998

After years of self-satisfied isolation, Indonesia finds itself exposed on the world’s financial pages and, occasionally, on front pages. The last time journalists paid so much attention to this immense, complex and fascinating country was 30 years ago when blood … Read more