"Reinvent or die. It's that simple," is advice offered to newspapers by Tim Porter, an editor and writer with newspapers and now a news media consultant. "And the death will be slow and painful, a continuing slide into mediocrity and irrelevance, as tighter budgets reduce staff and the public opts for newer, more compelling sources of information." Porter argues that "local journalism," done in new ways that he describes, will be the difference in whether daily newspapers survive. Read more
A journalist faces ‘obstacles — some institutional, some personal — that stand like an invisible line between covering race and covering it up.’ Read more
What follows is more practical guidance about how to do large projects reporting at a small-staffed community newspaper, while also continuing to get news into the daily paper. — D.E. Offer free movie tickets, for example, in exchange for good … Read more
In recounting her reporting experiences for the Palm Beach Post after Hurricane Wilma hit Florida, Jane Daugherty speaks to the “retrospective dynamic of our coverage,” in which journalists seem to rediscover in natural disasters the vulnerabilities of those who … Read more
Last December the January-February issue of The Atlantic Monthly went to press. It was the last one to be published in Boston of the 1,771 issues of The Atlantic published since the magazine was founded 149 years ago over a … Read more