La teoría de la disrupción del profesor Clayton M. Christensen, de la Escuela de Negocios de Harvard, provee un marco para entender cómo los negocios crecen, alcanzan el éxito, y luego se ven amenazados por start-ups más ligeras y pequeñas … Read more
“Breaking News” by Clayton M. Christensen, David Skok, and James Allworth, which applies the lessons of disruptive innovation to the media industry, is available in EPUB and MOBI formats for easier reading on Kindle, iBooks and other e-readers. You can … Read more
Dan Froomkin, formerly deputy editor of the Nieman Watchdog website, is now a contributor to Nieman Reports. His first piece examined the jobs crisis and what's missing from the job plans offered by the Romney and Obama campaigns. In his new piece, Froomkin talks to an election expert who suggests four voting metrics that can help reporters judge the fairness of elections. Read more